Advocate of Sverdlovskaya Board of Advocates, Territory of Krasnoyarsk
Certificate num. 2042, granted by the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration of the Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation on 19 April 2017, registration number 24/1606.
Contact information
Mobile phone number: +7-950-434-79-79
E-mail address:
University education
In the year 2012 has graduated from the Law Faculty of Siberian Federal University with diplomas of Law (specialization – International and Foreign law) and Legal interpretation from English to Russian at the area of professional communication;
Speaks English.
Scientific merits
- Permanent participant of scientific-practical conferences of regional or federative level.
- Participant of law schools and seminars organized by the teachers of foreign universities (Germany, Spain, USA).
- The author of scientific articles at the sphere of defense of Intellectual property.
Professional experience
- During the university studies, beginning from the year 2009, Roman Aga had been putting the university knowledge into practice, carrying out the legal representation of the interests of citizens within the administrative and civil proceedings before general jurisdiction trials.
- From 2013 to 2015 year, Roman Aga was the chief of Law department of the commercial holding with more than 200 of outlets and more than 30 pharmacies.
- From 2015 to 2017 year Roman Aga had been collaborating with a financial corporation belonging to ONEXIM GROUP MANAGEMENT LIMITED (British Virgin Islands) about the matters of legal assistance of international contracts of the cession of credits, the substitution of actives, etc., and, also, with other foreign and offshore zones companies (RAGATO MANAGEMENT GROUP, TRAVALATION HOLDING Ltd), moreover, had been representing the interests of the mentioned companies within the insolvency proceedings before the Commercial trials of Russian Federation.
- From 2017 year: Advocate of Sverdlovskaya Board of Advocates, Krasnoyarsk city, Territory of Krasnoyarsk.